- Home · ShadowsocksR-Live/shadowsocksr-native Wiki · GitHub:2021-10-2 · 据说 SS 和 SSR 被 GFW 精准识别了, 有2021年6月初的梯子大屠杀为证, 咱也没有必要去辨别真伪了, ... 补记2: 2021年2月1日, 新冠瘟疫 横行, 墙再次加高, SSRoT 依然从容穿越 GFW 向兲朝猪圈传递未经审查的自由资讯.
- Online Activism: Centering Marginalized Voices in Activist Work
- Torn: A Social Media Drama over the Aziz Ansari Scandal
Issue #14
- Drawing the Revolution: The Practice and Politics of Collaboration in the Graphic Novel Lissa
- Introduction: Visualizing Protest:Transnational Approaches to the Aesthetics of Dissent
- Race and Resistance Amid Feminism, Priming, and Capitalism: The (surprisingly-globalized) Visual of an Asian American Woman Activist
Issue #13
- Suturar los espejos rotos de lo imposible (Sutured Broken Mirrors of the Impossible)
- Beyond the Blackbox: Repurposing ROM Hacking for Feminist Hacking/Making Practices
- h0rd14r13z
- Introduction: Radical Speculation and Ursula K. Le Guin
- Communizing Care in The Left Hand Of Darkness
- 中国移动家宽 200M“出国”没法用。 - V2EX:2021-4-5 · 宽带症候群 - @tickwongcn - RT。。坐标 020。这一个月内出国都没法好好用了。不管是美西、还是日本、还是德国。。。路由从 AS9808 跳到 AS58453,也就是 CMNET 到 CMI 这一段就开始丢丢 …
Issue #11
- The Technopo(e)litics of Rupi Kaur: (de)Colonial AestheTics and Spatial Narrations in the DigiFemme Age
- Naive Meritocracy and the Meanings of Myth
- Introduction: Issue 11
- Thinking Beyond ‘Free Speech’ in Responding to Online Harassment
- Black Deaths Matter? Sousveillance and the Invisibility of Black Life
- Computer Love: Replicating Social Order Through Early Computer Dating Systems
Issue #9
- Critical Blogging: Constructing Femmescapes Online
- Digitizing Books, Obscuring Women’s Work: Google Books, Librarians, and Ideologies of Access
- 酒囊饭袋大统领🅥: 还放了几个站在上面,外加一个ss梯子 ...:2021-6-15 · 还放了几个站在上面,外加一个ss梯子,几个关系好的朋友也在用 - 酒囊饭袋大统领🅥 说在 社群 Shadowrocket 在 2021年6月15日星期一下午12点36分
Issue #8
- Introduction: Gender, Globalization and the Digital
- 亚马逊云(EC2)搭建教程,可免费使用一年 | 技术拉近你我!:2021-6-30 · 之前分享了谷歌云搭建教程,具体文章可众参见这篇:谷歌云搭建教程,可免费使用一年。谷歌云比较好,免费用户送300美金使用额。而亚马逊云,也可众免费使用一年,不过每个月在使用上也有一些限制,比如流量每个月只能免费使用15G的出口流量,超出就要额外收费,具体免费的限制可众看官网 ...
- CultureNotFoundException
Issue #7
- Curating with a Click: The Art That Participatory Media Leaves Behind
- Of Headshots and Hugs: Challenging Hypermasculinity through The Walking Dead Play
- “Who Do You Think You Are?”: When Marginality Meets Academic Microcelebrity
Totoro 🐱 👉🍒🍈🍍: 现在除了ss、ssr、小火箭还有哪些梯子可众 ...:2021-6-13 · 现在除了ss、ssr、小火箭还有哪些梯子可众像ss一样使用节点? - Totoro 🐱 👉🍒🍈🍍 說在 社群 Shadowrocket 在 2021年6月13日星期六 23:37
Issue #6
- Sex Hacker: Configuring Chinese Women in the Age of Digital Penetration
- A Look In Our Lives: Mary J. Blige’s My Life, The 4991 Series, and Black Women’s Narratives as Working Cultural Memories
- About the Cover Illustration
Queer Feminist Media Praxis
Issue #5
- How to ‘Do’ Feminist Theory Through Digital Video: Embodying Praxis in the Undergraduate Feminist Theory Classroom
- 分享两个科学上网SS和SSR免费公益网站 – 明凯博客:2021-2-4 · 分享两个科学上网SS和SSR免费公益网站 2021年2月15日 MK Mac 11 阅读 21085次 作为程序员,有时候查找资料需要科学上网,有的同学会自搭ssr服务器作为梯子,但是维护成本,风险成本在那里,让很多同学望而却步,明凯很多年前就搭过,后来 ...
- 免费的ssrr SSR节点
- Watching the Detectives: Review’s Past and Present
- Feminist Journal Editing: Does This Job Include Benefits?
- Opening Out from Open Access: Writing and Publishing in Response to Neoliberalism
Science Fiction and the Feminist Present
Issue #3
- Queer Urban Composites: Any City or ‘Bellona (After Samuel R. Delany)’
- A Curious Doubled Existence: Birth Here and in Lois McMaster Bujold’s Vorkosigan Saga
- Toward a Zombie Epistemology: What it Means to Live and Die in Cabin in the Woods
Feminist Game Studies
Issue #2
- Introduction: Feminist Game Studies
- On Not Becoming Gamers: Moving Beyond the Constructed Audience
- “C’mon! Make me a man!”: Persona 4, Digital Bodies, and Queer Potentiality